reusable macbook & privacy stickers

personalize your macbook with a reusable sticker. protect your privacy by covering the cameras on your phone, tablet or laptop with an adhesive-free privacy sticker. choose from our collection or have your design or branding turned into custom stickers.

my dear backers

i hope you had a great weekend!

the past week has been quite a challenge for tabtag: my macbook died 3 days ago backstage just one hour before a tabtag ‘live commercial’ presentation at a poetry slam. i wanted to show that tabtags can be washed…unfortunately mackbooks can’t and I accidentally spilled a cup of water onto mine and sent it straight to apple heaven. luckily a friend helped me out with his macbook, so I still was able to make the presentation. i had made a backup the same day (!!!) and the hard disc survived.

this is my macbook shortly before passing away to another dimension

thanks to the help of my sister and a great friend we are up and running again and trying to optimise our marketing strategy which is not quite as sophisticated as our product. two of the things we have learned so far are:

it is very important to get your project known and build up an audience before launching the campaign on Kickstarter. we did not do that and are struggling now to stay visible on Kickstarter, so that potential backers can actually find us.
the Kickstarter team and some friends recommended us to choose a campaign duration of less than 30 days, in order to keep it short and intense and thus raise more awareness.
as this is our first Kickstarter campaign we are making mistakes and correcting them as we go. we are still doing great and will make sure that our campaign is successful. at this stage we need your help more than ever to raise the visibility of tabtag on Kickstarter. word of mouth is key so please share our campaign with your friends and contacts. you can do that easily by posting the following link on your facebook / twitter / Instagram etc etc…

…and maybe tell them how Kickstarter works. many people think that Kickstarter is about donations, while it is rather a way of pre-ordering product packages, funding innovation, diversity and individual design. you will be among the first ones to have a glowing tabtag on your macbooks. in case you don't own a macbook, a tabtag makes for an original and unique present.

the custom tabtag option is a great one too: maybe you know a company or someone who might want to individualise their macbook with their own design or branding and promote their company and brand in an innovative and unique way?

thank you again so much for making tabtag possible and bringing color and diversity to the macbooks out there. have a great start of the week!

May 26, 2014 by Volker Lobmayr
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